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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
CES: Attendance Clerk03/07/2025SupportCrosby Elementary SchoolApply
Anticipated: Network Applications Specialist, #168103/07/2025SupportTechnology ServicesApply
CKC: Special Education Aide (Inclusion Support)03/06/2025SupportCrosby Kindergarten CenterApply
SpEd: Diagnostician (Bilingual Preferred) #167903/05/2025District SpEd EmployeeCrosby ISD (Admin) Special EducationApply
CMS: Special Education Aide (ICS)03/04/2025SupportCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Special Ed Teachers/Coaches, #167703/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Core Subject Teachers/Coaches (6th-8th), #167603/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Social Studies Teachers, #167503/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Science Teachers, #167403/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Math Teachers, #167303/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: ELAR Teachers, #167203/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CHS: Special Ed Teachers/Coaches, #167103/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Core Subject Teachers/Coaches (9th-12th), #167003/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Social Studies Teachers, #166903/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Science Teachers, #166803/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Math Teachers, #166703/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: ELAR Teachers, #166603/04/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
Elementary Bilingual Teachers, #166503/04/2025Elementary CertifiedElementary Campuses (BES,NES,DES,CES)Apply
Elementary Teachers, #166403/04/2025Elementary CertifiedElementary Campuses (BES,NES,DES,CES)Apply
Kinder Bilingual Teachers, #166303/04/2025Elementary CertifiedCKC, BES, DESApply
Kinder Teachers, #166203/04/2025Elementary CertifiedCKC, BES, DESApply
CKC: Pre-Kinder Bilingual Teachers, #166103/04/2025Elementary CertifiedCrosby Kindergarten CenterApply
CKC: Pre-Kinder Teachers, #166003/04/2025Elementary CertifiedCrosby Kindergarten CenterApply
Maintenance: Supervisor, #165903/03/2025MaintenanceCrosby ISD MaintenanceApply
CMS: ELAR Teacher (Grades 6-8) #165802/27/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CMS: Math Teacher (Grades 6-8) #165702/27/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
CHS: Anticipated/Assistant Principal (9th - 12th), #165602/26/2025Campus AdministrativeCrosby High SchoolApply
DES: Site Supervisor of Afterschool Program - CASE for Kids02/25/2025SupportDrew Elementary SchoolApply
Nutrition Services: Manager-Crosby High School02/21/2025Food ServiceCrosby ISD Nutrition ServiceApply
CKC: Special Education Aide (ECSE/SLC)01/31/2025SupportCrosby Kindergarten CenterApply
Anticipated: Special Ed Transition Specialist, #165201/27/2025District SpEd EmployeeCrosby ISD (Admin) Special EducationApply
NES: First Grade Teacher (Grades 1-5)#165001/27/2025Elementary CertifiedNewport Elementary SchoolApply
CHS: Culinary Arts Teacher (DofI), #164801/24/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Secondary Science Teacher, #164701/24/2025Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
BES: Special Education Aide (Life Skills)01/15/2025SupportBarrett Elementary SchoolApply
CMS: 7th Grade Math Teacher (Grades 6-8) #163812/19/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply
Mechanic12/17/2024TransportationCrosby ISD TransportationApply
Substitute - SPRING 202512/17/2024SubstituteDistrict WideApply
Transportation: Dispatcher- PM (Bilingual)11/12/2024TransportationCrosby ISD TransportationApply
BES: Anticipated/Bilingual Interventionist (Kinder - 5th) #163211/10/2024Elementary CertifiedBarrett Elementary SchoolApply
BES: Bilingual Instructional Aide11/06/2024SupportBarrett Elementary SchoolApply
Anticipated: PK - 5th Elementary Teachers, #162611/04/2024Elementary CertifiedElem CKC, BES, NES, DES & CESApply
CKC: Campus Behavioral Support Teacher #162210/24/2024Elementary CertifiedCrosby Kindergarten CenterApply
CHS: Anticipated ELAR Interventionist, #160709/16/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
Anticipated: PK - 5th Bilingual Teachers, #159908/19/2024Elementary CertifiedElem CKC, BES, NES, DES & CESApply
CHS: Art Teacher, #159708/07/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CHS: Special Ed ICS Teacher/Coach, #159608/06/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
BES: Special Ed Behavioral (PASS) Teacher #158707/17/2024Elementary CertifiedBarrett Elementary SchoolApply
CHS: ELAR Interventionist (9th - 12th) #158507/17/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby High SchoolApply
CMS: Math Interventionist (6th - 8th) #157707/02/2024Secondary CertifiedCrosby Middle SchoolApply